Thursday, December 11, 2008

Badda Bing, Florida Here we Come!

We have been busy learning and preparing for our trip to Florida, which is in 2 days. We are learning about the ocean floor, sonar, marine life, land formations, and tomorrow we'll learn about currents. I want them to understand the bigger picture of water and see how connected water is to water and land, within ourselves let alone outside of us. We plan on visiting 2 beaches and will bring science journals with and we'll still have schooling during the week. I will pack our books and supplies in one of their luggage.

I didn't get as much as I wanted accomplished today. It was a busy busy day with piddly little things. I wanted to cover currents and watch some planet earth but we watched a sad little house on the prairie movie and I cleaned. It was a weird day.

Ethan's reading and writing skills are improving daily. Avery doesn't do squat when her blood sugar is off. Nahni shadows everything we do and loves to move and sing. She has a lot of her ABS sounds down. It's really cute to have her join us in our schooling.

Tomorrow we're talking about currents, marine life, and doing our Friday book report on The Snowman. I love that book and movie.

I look forward to christmas break. Well take off the week of Christmas and have a fun time doing little things such as baking and playing outside. Now that it's snowed Ethan wants to be outside a lot but he asks me to go out too and I haven't been outside much. I need to take the time and be with him. He's very sweet. He's getting better at his guitar and I can tell what he's playing, sometimes. He had his lesson today and it seemed to go well. I am happy to have him wanting to play. His Tae Kwon Do is going great and he's thriving alongside his friends. Ryan is as well in the adult class. I enjoy watching them both in their activities.

Avery is quite the little mama. Bossy at times, and very helpful in the kitchen and with decorating and accessorizing. I love watching her get dressed and dress up Nahni. Avery loves to bake and create with me. I find little bowls of flour, raisins, sugar, and spices or a blend of something, hidden in cupboards or niches here and there. She is curious and I like that.

Saturday we leave 8am for MSP and won't be home until next Saturday. Blessings to all!