Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Back to Blogging

I needed to take a leave of absence from many things, including my sanity at times. It has been long winter, partially because of the layers of viruses that have come to reside in our lives.

I must admit, my schooling efforts have been incredibly paltry since mid-February. I have been sick and seasonally depressed. It makes for a very challenging approach to home schooling.

Today we are creating our March calendar. It's already the 10th. We are working on Reading, writing to uncle seth, and will make a mess shortly for our science project using H2O and corn starch. Eveyrone's favorite textured mess.

Our weekly calendar looks like this-
Monday- Music, Math, Muzzy (Spanish), Reading
Tuesday- Art, Workbooks, Book Report, Calendar, Reading
Wednesday- Science, Games, Letters to Seth, Reading
Thursday- Reading, Birds, Nature Walk/Journal, ASL, Reading
Friday- Baking, Reading, catch up

Science Subjects- Astronomy, Animals and Plants in Winter
Reading- Special Stories include Grandmother/Grandfather folk stories from around the world

We are still doing Tae Kwon Do, guitar lessons, and Ethan's been attending after school activities through comm ed- Club Invention, and one about birds, both very successful. Avery has started dance lessons through comm ed too, on Tuesdays.

I am anxious for winter to leave, this current cold bug to leave, and my happy sanity to return.

Florida was mostly successful. I'll write an update about it another time.