Monday, November 5, 2007

Ethan's Birthday and Letter A

It's Ethan's 6th birthday today! We're having a great morning of schooling. We celebrated Ethan's birthday by morning movement and story time, focusing on Ethan's favorite songs and showing him the scrapbook I made when he as a wee bairn. He really liked the pictures of him as a baby, as well as the ones of Avery, for she made the cheesiest faces. After story time Ethan and Avery wrote and drew pictures in their "About Me" books, to commemorate Ethan's birthday and their overall development and interests. I just whipped one out using MSWord this morning and they seemed to enjoy drawing pictures of people. We took a break and danced out in the snow, for it's the first snowfall today. Ethan's been playing with his new birthday toy, a large bionicle, and Avery's been playing with her kitchen. They also decorated more of the kitchen today with the red and blue streamers that we used yesterday for Ethan's family party. Lots of streamers everywhere now.

And then we regrouped and did more desk work with 6 pages in his workbook- finding shapes hidden in similar shapes and then the letter A. We're starting our letter set as well. It's also letter writing day and we'll be making thank-yous for the birthday gifts.

We're resting now and it feels good to rest. Nahni is resting. Ethan is resting. Avery is coloring. She just finished resting. We had a very busy weekend, with three visits to Brainerd Friday, Saturday and Sunday. Lots of driving. I'm not going to do more schooling after we make the thankyous because Ethan has cousins coming over. We'll have a ceremony tonight honoring the Spirit of Ethan's birth and my becoming a mom. I like to always keep a spiritual influence in their world, as it's a huge part of mine.

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