Thursday, October 2, 2008

New and Blue

Ethan got his new blue guitar today. A simple acoustical guitar with a simple case and tuner. He has a lesson book that is easy to understand. We have to retune the guitar due to his mis-understanding of tuning. I am good at tuning guitars and look forward to playing with him when I get my guitar back.

We didn't do any book work today. I had a lesson planned for science and math today that got put on hold until possibly tomorrow. It was too nice to be inside so we went to town. I went outside at 10am and didn't go back in until 4:30pm (well, back into the house). We went into town for lunch and on the way talked all about the trees that we saw and their attributes. After lunch we drove Avery to school and went back to mainstreet to give dad back his van. Then Nahni and Ethan and I went to Alco and bought more fall foliage stuff to decorate. I didn't have anything to go outside and 40% off is nice. He helped me by reading the signs and selecting flowers for the containers we purchased. We then walked over to the school and had dad come and pick us up to go home with the newbold cousins. It was a long day and I'm glad we spent a lot of it getting good exercise, fresh air, and a fresh perspective.

We will spend months indoors but for infrequent hours here and there outside. Today was wonderful and a treat to spent with excellent company and in the spirit of real life education.

It's time for bed.

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