Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Getting Ready for FL

We leave in less than one month for FL. I booked our van rental today, less than $220 for a week's rental, using two discount coupons. Nice. I've also checked out where the closest whole food's store is and it's very close by and open until 10pm so we can get our groceries before we settle into the hotel for the night. I am looking forward to having some r&r and seeing the kids play at the beach. I love watching the kids play in the surf and sand.

Homeschooling has been a little slow this month. I have a harder time being indoors with the colder weather and it affects my thoughts heavily. We are making progress in reading and writing with Ethan, and most things for Avery that will help her start to read. They have both enjoyed many hours of coloring and drawing and creating in general. New songs are added every week, ones that are connected to the weather and seasons. We are starting our bird focus for the winter nature aspect of our education. Last we we learned about the american crow and how many caws is a hello and how long they usually are and where they live and what they eat. We went on an outside trek to see the crows and only saw one and heard another.

We are also getting ready for the yule season and will decorate outside with special lights and lawn decorations, much easier to do before any deep snow comes.

Ethan's guitar lessons are going quite well. He is enjoying his practicing and lessons. His TKD is going really well, and he has improved greatly in balance, coordination, and confidence. I enjoy watching him and Ryan.

Avery would like to take dance lessons and if they offer any in the winter comm ed we'll take them. I'm hoping to get her into more comm ed classes so we can do something during the winter together, just she and I. Ethan too of course but she and I could use some alone time. She is the middle child after all and I am aware of her needs and she does get very needy at times, who doesn't.

We are not doing anything with the many paths homeschool co-op this fall. Maybe over the winter. I will have an 8 week yoga class set for january into march at the studio for kids. I hope we get someone coming. Fridays at 10am starting mid-January.

We are reading about beaches and aquatic life this month in science. We are learning all about what we might see and enjoy in FL. I am quite excited for our upcoming vacation.

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