Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Still Here, Still Having FUN

We are having very good days and learning is fun. This week and possibly the next one or two we are weaving our days around the concept of midieval times. On Monday we learned about catapults, knights, castles and the organization of land surround castles. Yesterday we learned about dragons and caves. Today we're still working with Dragons and will make handpuppets and because it's story day we'll make story books by drawing the story about a dragon, whatever comes to their minds. We'll also make caves again and play with popcorn and make a popcorn dragon, on paper. (but a 3-d one would be cool)

I keep a daily log that I enter all of our progress in, what songs we do (which all have moment patterns), workbook pages, story books, and all activities.

We are having a successful fall. I look forward to every day and what might come by letting my heart and my kids guide the process.

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