Friday, September 21, 2007

Today's Adventure

We began later in the morning because of the great storm that rolled through about 3am and woke up all up.

Our day always begins with song and movement. I burned a new cd and our songs we did today were Round and Round, Sailor Boy, My Little Pony, Trip Trip Trap, Wild Goose, Autumn Recorder Song, The Mill (new), The Apple (new/fingerplay) and Come Celebrate and The Cool of Autumn. (celebrating the equinox)

We read about the loons migration and breeding and will hopefully go to Sand Lake tomorrow to see the loons close up.

We set up three new bird feeders, two window ones and one for thistle. The birds took two days to find the seeds in the old feeders. We filled them on Wednesday. We took a lot of pictures of the leaves and the birds with our digital camera. I'll post some later tomorrow or next week.

We watched an Eyewitness video about birds. For our afternoon we played outside, drew birds in our daily journals, and played more. We've all got colds and took it easier today. Ethan didn't feel he could concentrate on his workbooks so we left that for another day.

And now I'm off to teach yoga.

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