Sunday, September 9, 2007

And So We Begin

Our Enki daily schedule will follow this outline-

10am- Movement
10:30- Story time
11:00- Story Work and Creative Play
12-noon Lunch
12:30pm- Rest
1:30- Afternoon Adventure

In there I have 11 books worth of curriculum and material to weave. The titles are- Folk and Faerie Tales, Nature Stories, Community and Festival Songs, Learning through Movement- Seasons and Skills, Learning through Movement II, Seasonal Crafts, and five guides.

I will go through the materials tonight, again, and choose what I want to focus on for Harvest for September's theme. We're coming into harvest season and tomorrow and Tuesday we'll begin to decorate our house with Fall Colors. We'll also have a starting ceremony tomorrow to begin our homeschooling adventure. I have offered my home to a guest from out of state to do some private sessions and we'll be gone on an afternoon adventure when she's here. I think we'll go to a fun park and play and talk about the colors we're starting to see in the trees and flowers. Maybe we'll go on a nature walk. The poison ivy is less. :)

Lots to choose from. I'll post my choices in this week's reading, craft, and movement activities when I have my list.

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