Sunday, July 6, 2008

Back Again

We took a long hiatus from our schooling. My mind and hands were in the process of birthing my yoga studio and the children got first-hand experience with that process by helping me and their father to create my studio. We reconnected to our schooling last week and will school M-W-F. Ethan successfully completed his first summer session at Camp Invention in June. He made a mars rover, a phone using 2 cups and straws, and a car out of recycled parts. He also made another project that got left behind. He enjoyed his week with his friends and teachers and will attend next year. We're still working on our first grade curriculum. We'll reconnecting to the basics and will spend the next week continuing to establish a routine. It took a lot out of me to create my studio and now that it's in a good and stable place we're getting stable at home again. I missed our schooling every day I tried to start something but couldn't put my heart into it. Ethan and Avery are good kids and supported me in my transformation process. We are a good team.

Last week we learned about Minnesota, when it became a state, what our state flag is, and what we like about MN. We attended fireworks and learned about fireworks. We also attended a parade on the 4th and talked about the american flag and why we stand when the flag goes by. We talked about patriotism, nationally and globally. We enjoyed many hours in the flow of the 4th. We also worked on a project using an erector set, something that's very hard for Ethan to use but will be good when he's older. It's not easy for me to assemble because of the size of the parts, and it's the directions for him that cause him frustration. He can see what it needs, but it's the coordination of bolting bits together without loosing the bits that will take more time. Avery played a lot in her kitchen and drew all kinds of great picture for me.

This week we'll continue our lesson in MN lore as well as start a new building process using a new set. When the new bionicles come and we get the bionicle books we'll make bioncle movies. Perhaps something to do this fall and winter. Our garden is doing okay, and will get focus this week. The kids will also go on a frog hunt and identify as many patterns of dragonfly wings as possible for our nature walk.

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