Monday, July 28, 2008

End of July

We're back into our full groove and have had a wonderful day. No meltdowns, no stubbornness. It's a wonderful start to our full schedule.

We're using the curriculum again, and are repeating some of the last week we left off on. We are covering word families AR, AS, AT this week, and I can see the change in Ethan's reading from just a few months ago, it's much better. We started our day off with our morning circle and learned a new song and movement to the song- Oat Peas Beans, everyone participated and seemed to like it (imagine me and the three kids holding hands and walking around in a slow circle and giggling as we sing the song). We also did a few of our favorite Enki songs before closing with our morning poem. We did the word family AP with a letter matching activity. We then reviewed our spanish vocab, hello, goodbye, thank you, please, you're welcome, colors and numbers, and time of the day. While Ethan built his morning lego creation after the spanish portion, we covered several questions in one of our quiz booklets and then we took the mid-morning off for lunch and play. This afternoon we've gathered flowers, learned their anatomy and colored them in our daily lesson book. We will finish the day with a science experiment determining which items will float. Because we take off Tuesday and Thursday we do more Mon-Wed-Fri. This fall we'll do full days and weeks. The kids are coloring now and are settled into their afternoon flow nicely. Time to prep for the science activity.

Pt. 2
Prep for the project included going around the main floor and finding items that will be fun to explore their density. I choose a feather, a stone bracelet, a lego man, a wooden wheel, a cork stopper, and a small pink stone. I also created a chart with six rows and three columns- Items, Float or Sink. We're about to go in and while we're having our afternoon snack, explore density.

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