Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Getting into the Flow

After a wonderful weekend in Duluth, we're back home and getting back into our flow. On Saturday while in Duluth we visited the GLA and took a ride on the pizza train. Grampa Nathan got a bunch of tickets for us, for which we are very thankful. It was a beautiful day.

Because of being gone for four days, today's schooling was low-key. I am tired and wanted to have fun with no stress. We started off today with movement, focusing on soccer skills and group movement. Ethan learned how to control a small ball with only his lower torso and improved his aiming skills by means of a small goal area (Nahni's saucer and the couch provided the goal). He worked on speed, aim, and overall control. He was quite pleased with his progress. Afterwards, Avery joined us in stretching- hands to toes, toes to nose, knees to nose and variations on such, singing variations on The Happy and you Know it song, and group movement focusing on direction and speed. We then sat down and read a simple book and finished out the morning with several pages in Ethan's three workbooks and Avery working on tracing skills.

This afternoon they played outside and are now resting. Tonight they will go to the lake house and play for a few hours while I work.

Next week is buckle down week, with Ryan and I actively defining what we want for our homeschooling goals and better understanding the Enki cirric. I am starting to use the guidelines and will modify as I desire. I trust my intuition when it comes to modifying what my kids need. I am still hopeful that we are going on a trip to S. Dakota for a 1.5 weeks in September but finances and Ryan's work will ultimately determine that. We also have our first homeschool co-op meeting tomorrow and will set up gathering times for the new few months. I am interested in getting more families aware of our existence and am looking into submitting a press release to local papers. This is to be discussed tomorrow. I'm also looking at getting a business card for networking. I like business cards.

Much of my initial homeschooling will be creating some sort of flow. I am not good at regular anything other than eating and sleeping. Each day is different and that's what I prefer. However, I feel the need to create more predictable form for the kids, as they might prefer that over my flow. But in the light of structure, less is ideal but some over none. Finding the balance. So, I am going to find the balance, of all flows, including the input from our new cirric. Always dancing.

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