Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Tuesday's Efforts

In the morning, we began our schooling efforts after 10am, which is when things settle into our daily groove- post breakfast. We kept the morning (and day) simple by doing exercises with bean bags- passing them through our legs and circling them around out waists and overhead, as well as tossing them up and catching them while counting the times tossed. We sorted by color, letters, shapes and numbers (as we have three sets- numbers, letters, and shapes). A lot of this was for Avery's skills but Ethan had fun. We finished by tossing them back into their box using both arms to gain greater ambidexterity.

Ethan and Avery took mid-day to play in their room and with their building toys. After lunch we made banana bread- Ethan worked on cracking the eggs and Avery helped mash the bananas and mix the batter. Then we did collages and cut images from my old massage magazines and made our own magazines. Avery's good at cutting out images and pasting. We had practice yesterday at Marcia and Becky's house.

And that was it. We kept it low-key and fun.

I'm really getting into the Enki curriculum. I am still reading reading reading about Enki teaching methods and all the nuts and bolts (easy reading but still heady). And I feel confident in being able to modify it to suit our family's needs. It's going to be a fantastic year.

We'll homeschool Monday-Thursday with Friday being an off day for travels and errands. Or keeping it open to be the make-up day. We'll homeschool from 10-3, give or take, letting the day be about fun, play, flow, and healthy living. A lot of our overall day counts towards the Enki style of homeschooling, but the focus hours are from 10-3. I am not ready to do anything before 10, even if I'm up at 6am like I was today. 10 am is when I kick into to teacher mode and 3pm is when we need to rest and get personal space.

This weekend we're going to the MN zoo and whatever wherever else floats our boat in the twin cities. We'll be going with Ryan's family and staying at a hotel with a great pool. I'm looking forward to a short vacation (of sorts) with the kids.

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