Monday, August 20, 2007

Home School Curriculum Reviews

In my Enki discussion group, there are a lot of families that have tried other curriculum and ended up with enki because of several reasons- mostly a lot to do with their children's learning styles and family needs. provides a good overview of a zillion different homeschool curriculum and it explains in better detail why we chose enki. I love that each curriculum has personal feedback, pros and cons.

I'm all fired up to homeschool. Our path includes but limits the use of the computer and tv as teaching tools. I don't want my kids to be without computer skills but I want to limit their sedentary time to educational/family videos and the occasional splurge of an educational game. Ethan's on the computer maybe twice a week now, rather than every day when he'd wake up (which was when he was in pre-school). I'd come downstairs and find him playing a game that he'd saved and he had to get off because I don't think being on the computer first thing in the morning is always ideal because it's not healthy. (needless to say this morning is different for me, but I am doing my homework as a teacher). Since he settled back into his personality, he rarely is drawn to sitting at the computer. Instead he busies himself with books, legos, and his stuffed animals or goes outside. He is back to himself and happy. I find him singing more, and being kinder to Avery. He is more respectful of others. I am happier too. I love having my kid back.

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