Thursday, August 2, 2007

In Our Town

Our focus this week is what happens in our town.

On Tuesday-
Ethan- He made a layout of a town, mostly ours, out of building blocks. We discussed what goes on in our town- stores, houses, school, HUG, and who does what in our town. We spent a lot of time outside playing as well.

Avery- She joined in with Ethan constructing a town out of blocks and played hard outside.

Today- Thursday
We are featuring one aspect of what happens in our town- the Post Office.

We are writing letters to various friends and family members and will address and send them off this afternoon or tomorrow. I made a bunch of simple letters for the Post Office experience. I wrote Dad, Mom, Avery, Ethan, or Nahni on the front of each letter. To help Ethan and Avery better understand what happens to the mail, I created a simulation of post office and postal workers. Ethan had to pick up the mail in the morning, sort it at the post office, and deliver it to the appropriate houses. He enjoyed it so much he did it twice. We talked about what happens at the post office, and how letters are sorted, because letters need to go far away sometimes and how that happens.

We did a few pages in our workbooks- matching sounds and other objects, number sequences, played outside and for quiet time we're watching an Eyewitness video on insects.

Tomorrow we'll play store.

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